Unique NFTs
Ownest NFTs are different collections based on Ethereum or Polygon to celebrate certain events or just for art and fun, by Ownest.

5th Anniversary NFTs.

To celebrate our 5th anniversary we released a collection of 500 NFTs based on our history and crypto history since our creation in december 2017.
The NFTs will have references to projects we have done, the crypto networks we worked with, and emblematic projects of crypto since our beginning.
The NFTs will have references to projects we have done, the crypto networks we worked with, and emblematic projects of crypto since our beginning.
A few examples of what's coming



Reveal On 31st January
La Galette.

A French Tradition
Get a virtual part of the famous French cake “La Galette”!
Known for being very tasty and made for the Epiphany, La Galette not only is a tasty french tradition, but also a funny one!
In each Galette a “Feve” is hidden. This small porcelaine figurine can represents many things, and we decided that you would also have a chance to get a (virtual) one and be crowned King (or Queen!).
In each Galette a “Feve” is hidden. This small porcelaine figurine can represents many things, and we decided that you would also have a chance to get a (virtual) one and be crowned King (or Queen!).
Get "La Fève"
You can try to get a “Feve” NFT by eating it, and you will have 1 chance out of 6 to get it! The eaten “Galette” will be burnt forever.