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Editorial information

Website of the company OWNEST

49 rue de Ponthieu

75008 Paris

SAS with a capital of 4470 €.

RCS Paris 833796022

Director of publication

Mr. Clément BERGE-LEFRANC, president of the company.


All the contents present on the site are covered by the copyright. Any resumption is consequently conditioned to the agreement of the author by virtue of the article L.122-4 of the Code of the Intellectual Property.

Graphics, photos and videos

Graphics, photographs and multimedia resources cannot be reproduced without our prior agreement. For graphic creations and illustrations, requests must be addressed to the holders of the rights.

All photographs are protected by copyright and image rights: any representation or reproduction, even partial, made without the consent of the company or the authors and their beneficiaries is illegal. Only copies or reproductions strictly reserved for the private use of the copier and not intended for collective use are authorized. Any other use must be the object of an authorization requested directly from the following e-mail address:

Protection of personal data

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The objectives of the collection of this data (purposes);

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Who will be able to read it;

How to exercise your rights with Ownest.

The personal data collected on are processed using security measures to limit risks and allow the Company to manage the requests received in its computer applications.

The publication director is your contact for any request to exercise your rights concerning the processing of your personal data by the Company:

You can contact the Publication Director via :

49 rue de Ponthieu

75008 Paris

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Retention period: the time of the browsing session


Retention period: 12 months

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Development & Design: SAS Ownest

Hosting : OVH

Fonts: Googlefont Lato

(*) Article L.122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code establishes the principle that "when the work has been disclosed, the author may not prohibit the dissemination, even in its entirety, through the press or television, as news of current events, speeches made to the public in political assemblies, (...), as well as in public meetings of a political nature and official ceremonies". The speeches of the President of the Republic are similar to an exception to copyright. Similarly, "public" or "official" documents such as official communiqués of the Presidency of the Republic are not covered by any copyright, and can therefore be reproduced freely. If partial or complete reproduction of these contents is authorized, it must be accompanied by the name of the author, the source, and possibly a link to the original document online on the site. The words "Site of the Presidency of the Republic" or "" must therefore be indicated.